The Paragraph Of A Zoo Class 1 to 10

A Zoo

A Zoo


Zoo is a place where many kinds of wild animals are kept for the public to see. It is also called the zoological garden. People buy the tickets and get entrance of it. There are kept many wild animals and birds from home and abroad. We can see tiger, deer, monkey, bear, giraffe, zebra, elephants, pea-cock etc. in the zoo. These animals are studied, bred and protected in the zoo. There is an officer and other staffs to maintain the zoo.


  1. Very nice words and easy to read write and recall.thank u very much.have a nice day.

  2. V nice n simple lines for write n remember...thanks

  3. Simple lines for kid to write n remember thanks

  4. Very nice this paragraph of zoo is in short . It is easy to learn or write.I like it

  5. Very nice this paragraph is short that I want

  6. These is very easy to learn
    Thank you that paragraph


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