The Paragraph Of How I spend My Weekend Class 1-10

How I spend My Weekend

How I spend My Weekend

Weekend means the weekly holiday. In our country, Friday is the weekend. On the weekend, I wake up at 7 o’clock in the morning. Then I take my breakfast and play computer games with my brother. I also watch cartoons on TV. After that, I go to the mosque with my father to say my Jumna prayer. Then I take my lunch and have some rest. In the afternoon I visit my friends and relatives. In the evening I read story books and draw pictures. After taking dinner at 9 pm I watch TV program with my family. I go to bed at


  1. That paragraph was actually good

  2. Did you make any other paragraphs

  3. I loved the essay after reading it.

  4. very easy to learn for kids. nice

  5. very easy to learn for kids. nice

  6. Good for kids, please essay in simple past tense


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