Introduction: Unemployment means the state of being without any work both for the educated and the uneducated for earning One’s livelihood. This problem has become a great concern all over the world. But nowhere in the world this problem is so acute as in Bangladesh. Thousands of people on our country are without any job. At present the toughest task for any young man is to manage a job. It is tedious and sometimes humiliating. A person has to ran year after year from office to office to find out a job. Hundreds of candidate’s swarms over a single post. The bad effect of unemployment is not only confined to the economic field but also destroys the sense of moral values for want of employment. Many young people become frustrated. They have to lead a vagabond life. They have to idle away their time. Life becomes a curse and burden to them. When there is no dim ray of hope, they resort to commit different types of crimes like hijacking, plundering, robbery, murder, terrorism, drug addicting etc.
Cause of unemployment:  There are many reasons behind unemployment problem.
Population growth: Our country is over populated. The rapid growth of population is the main reason of unemployment problem. Job facilities a are very small in proportion to the growth of propagation.  And this increasing number of population outpaces all development of the country.
Industrial backwardness: Our country is industrially very much backward. In fact, the development in this field is very slow. Cottage industries have almost decayed. The few mills, factories and industries that we have can only absorb a limited number of people.
Limited cultivable land: Most of the people of our country depend on agriculture. But our cultivable land is very limited So, it can not engage a huge number of people. Moreover, this profession is seasonal. So, the farmers have to sit idle for few months in a year.
Faulty education system: Our present system of education in stated of giving any solution, creates educated unemployed young men. In out educational system there is no much scope of vocational training and technical education to student. So, after taking the highest degree even from the highest seat of learning, they remain unemployed.
Attitude of our educated Youngman: Our educated Youngman generally think it to be disgraceful to do any manual work. They prefer service to any kind of business. This false sense of dignity and prestige is one of the reasons of their being unemployed.
Solution: In order to eradicate this problem, we have to mobilize all our energies to this great purpose without wasting time. The most essential measure is the industrialization of our country. A large number of mills, factories and industries should be set up where many of unemployed youths will get the opportunity to work.
A great change should be brought in our education system. More importance should be given on professional, vocational and technical education. This will make an opening to work in different industrial sectors both home and abroad.
The educated youth should change their attitude to life. The must learns to choose independent career. They can work in agriculture filed, cultivate fish, grow vegetables. They can start small business. In fact, self-employment is a possible solution to this great problem.
